Ensuring Access For All Students
The O’Dowd community is deeply committed to accessibility. Our tuition covers roughly 84 percent of our expenses, with the generous philanthropy of our current families, alumni, and friends of O’Dowd fulfilling the remaining operating budget. We do this because we are dedicated to ensuring that O’Dowd is affordable to as many families as possible. Paired with tuition assistance, which funds 30 percent of our students, we remain steadfast in making O’Dowd a place of belonging for every family.
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees
Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable; not reduced by financial aid)
$26,440 Total
Additional Fees
Additional expenses may be incurred for technology and books, as well as optional student activities such as athletics, co-curricular clubs, and student programs.
of Students Receive Financial Aid
in Pandemic Emergency Funding for Families
of O’Dowd Tuition is Covered by Philanthropy
Parent Pledge
To bridge the gap between the actual cost of an O’Dowd education and tuition charged, we ask families to make an annual tax-deductible pledge of $2,400 for each of their enrolled students. The Parent Pledge directly funds our dedicated and talented teachers, and our award-winning programs, including drama, debate, athletics, and our Living Lab. The Parent Pledge also funds our enriching campus ministry program, leadership development opportunities, as well as our expanded counseling center, with student wellness programs and comprehensive academic support.

Financial Aid and Scholarships
O’Dowd’s commitment to access and affordability ensures that financial aid is available to as many students as possible with demonstrated financial need. It is our goal to allow as many qualified students as we have means, the opportunity to attend O’Dowd.
To apply for financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year, submit the FACTS financial aid application linked below. FACTS is the company we use to help assess need and collect income information and uploaded tax documentation. There is a required fee to FACTS of $35 paid online.
FACTS Financial Aid Application​
To be considered for financial aid, your FACTS financial aid application and all required documentation must be submitted by the deadline of February 4, 2025 for incoming 9th grade students and transfer students and by February 11, 2025 for returning students. You must also submit an admissions application to be considered for financial aid. Please review these instructions before submitting your form:
Financial Aid Application Instructions and FAQ​
If you have additional questions about financial aid, please contact Nancy MacKinnon by email at
Additional Aid Opportunities
There are two supplemental assistance programs. Please check the income requirements for each to see if you qualify.
Income guidelines for Family Aid Catholic Education (FACE)
If your income falls within the FACE guidelines, simply put a check in the FACE box under organization on the FACTS application and you will be considered. No separate application is required for FACE.
Income guidelines for Bay Scholars​
If your income falls within the Bay Scholars guidelines, please use the link below to submit a Bay Scholars application.
O’Dowd partners with Bay Scholars. Bay Scholars exists to make it possible for promising low-income students across the Bay to have access to and flourish at successful college preparatory Catholic high schools. Visit Bay Scholars to apply.
O’Dowd offers one merit-based scholarship - The Presidential Scholarship Award. It is awarded during the application process to students who exhibit exemplary academics and a strong commitment to the community.
We do not offer athletic scholarships at O’Dowd. All financial aid is need-based.

We are here to help. Contact our business office for assistance.
Phone: (510) 577-9100 Ext. 171