"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
Through an active exploration of the cultural, political and economic institutions that shape our world, students develop skills to critically reflect on modern social challenges from a variety of perspectives: historical, political, ethical, and multicultural. Students become aware of the privileges, responsibilities, limitations, and challenges of preserving a representative democracy, and gain skills to become active participants in creating a more just and respectful society - whether they pursue journalism, law, medicine, politics, policy, social work, or other forms of leadership.

SST103: Advanced World History
Incorporating the historical thinking framework developed by UC Berkeley’s History Social-Science Project, 9th graders examine the key political, social, cultural, and economic movements and events that have shaped the modern world.

SST621: AP Human Geography
This interdisciplinary course introduces students to the cultural, political and economic patterns and processes that shape human use and alteration of the Earth’s surface.

SST474: Hip-Hip and Society
This course is designed to examine the growing historical, political, racial, economic, artistic and social importance of hip-hop culture through a sociological approach.
Advanced Placement Courses, including a brand new African American Studies
Academic Co-Curriculars, including Debate Team and Mock Trial