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Your Impact: Making an O'Dowd Education Accessible

At Bishop O’Dowd High School, the generosity of our community transforms lives, opening doors to opportunity and shaping tomorrow’s leaders. The power of an O’Dowd education positively impacts all our students, preparing them to confidently step out into the world after graduation. Through the generosity of donors, 30% of O’Dowd families receive tuition assistance, giving their children the life-changing opportunity to attend our school. The annual Transforming Lives Dinner, taking place on November 14, plays a pivotal role in sustaining this vital support, ensuring that the values of diversity, inclusivity, and community thrive on campus.

One Student Can Change the World

When donors contribute to tuition assistance, they do more than just ease a family’s financial burden—they empower students, uplift teachers, and strengthen the school. Tuition assistance allows bright, motivated students to attend O'Dowd, regardless of their financial circumstances, enhancing their learning environment.

"I have witnessed firsthand the impact that tuition assistance has on our students, some of whom would never be able to attend a school like O'Dowd without it,” asserts English teacher Alberto Figueroa. “We see the impact on campus through academics, spirituality, athletics, and overall well-being. O'Dowd has an amazing school community and culture, with a diverse student body.  We ensure that students feel welcomed, accepted, and able to express themselves uniquely."

This inclusivity—made possible through the generosity of our donors—enhances every facet of school life.

One Night Can Make It Happen

The Transforming Lives Dinner is the heartbeat of this support. Every year, funds raised at the dinner ensure we can continue to provide a financial bridge for students who might not otherwise be able to attend O’Dowd. The event highlights the power of community—parents, alumni, staff, and donors coming together to make sure O’Dowd’s values of inclusion, opportunity, and excellence are upheld.

Guests will hear from student speakers and our keynote speaker, Oakland Fire Chief Damon Covington ’91. Afterward, there will be a lively paddle raise to support tuition assistance, promising that all who want to attend O’Dowd can do so.

"Tuition assistance enriches O’Dowd’s learning environment and brings diverse perspectives to campus, which enhances discussions, collaboration, and social understanding,” parent and donor Jen Rivas emphasizes. “This, in turn, makes O'Dowd a more inclusive and vibrant community, benefiting all students and their families."

Supporting Dragons, Today and Tomorrow

Donors who support the Transforming Lives Dinner are doing more than just funding tuition—they are making a direct and lasting impact on students, teachers, and the entire O'Dowd community. The ripple effect of their generosity enriches learning experiences, fosters personal growth, and strengthens the bonds of community, ensuring that O'Dowd remains a place where all students have the opportunity to thrive.

“O’Dowd is definitely home for me. I grew up here. I had my struggles and I overcame them here. I learned to hold onto my values and beliefs. My teachers and coaches were very supportive and empathetic. Next I’m headed to UC Berkeley. Because of O’Dowd’s tuition assistance, I’m super thankful for where I’ve been and where I’m going.” Bishop O'Dowd High School Student

By attending the Transforming Lives Dinner on November 14, you can help open doors for more students, empowering the next generation of Dragons to thrive. Get your tickets today and join us in making a lasting difference. Together, we can ensure that the transformative O'Dowd experience remains accessible for all who seek it.


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