Members of the Class of 2019 were recognized for outstanding achievement in academics, as well as service to Bishop O’Dowd High School and the greater community, at the annual Senior Awards Ceremony held in the large gymnasium on May 8.
In addition to a number of specific academic and extracurricular program awards earned by members of the senior class, 52 seniors were recognized for having a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 or better through the semester ending December 2018, including Jacqueline Arnold, Elizabeth Avery, Nicole Beales, Nitin Bhupatiraju, Reese Bretow, Isabella Brusco, Anna Bullock, Iman Byndloss, Samantha Cadenasso, Sebastian Camacho, Alexa Carera, Jennifer Cheng, Kate Cherryhomes, Colm Connolly, Elise Cypher, Jalyn Davis, Elizabeth Desler, Aniket Dhar, Zhiheng Ding, Zachary Figueroa, Ivan Fong, Nicholas Hager, Campbell Hunter, Daniel Kjeldsen, Jacqueline Lanza Desio, Madison Lenoir-Irwin, Camille Lent,
Pearl Li, Sara Lindorfer, Anna Lockhart, Isabella Mahoney, Greta Majus, Eli McAmis, Liam McCarthy, Anna Nihei, Carolina O’Bresly, Sofia Odeste, Nicholas Ong, Alden O’Rafferty, Mia Rahman, Zoe Readi-Brown, Katherine Rehberger, Stella Richards, Allison Rogers, Keeryth Sandhu, Justin Shi, Emma Stephens, Olivia Talley, Holly Teeters, Jeneva Toolajian, Ella Van Auker and Kheshawn Wynn.
Students recognized as the “Top 10 Seniors” included (in alphabetical order) Jacqueline Arnold, Nitin Bhupatiraju, Samantha Cadenasso, Colm Connolly, Aniket Dhar, Pearl Li, Sofia Odeste, Alden O’Rafferty, Zoe Readi-Brown and Holly Teeters
At the Awards Ceremony it was announced that Pearl Li will serve as valedictorian at the June 2 Commencement Exercises at the Paramount Theatre of the Arts.