Dear Dragon Community, It is with great pleasure we announce that Kim Walsh has accepted the offer from Bishop Michael Barber, S.J, to become the next president at Bishop O’Dowd High School.

Kim is known in our community as an attentive listener and collaborator. She will thoughtfully step into the role prepared to lead with purpose and conviction. Kim has shown her dedication and leadership to O’Dowd since 2010. She will lead with her head and her heart, confidently guiding O’Dowd into the future of Catholic education. Kim is dedicated to our mission and Charism to find God in all things. She is deeply committed to the shared values that are essential for O’Dowd.
Kim’s leadership philosophy is built on a foundation of team mission alignment; a culture of trust through collaboration and transparent communication; processes and systems to bring the right people together at the right time for effective decision-making; and metrics and feedback for growth and innovation. As Chief of Campus Planning and Development, Kim managed the construction of the Bishop John S. Cummins Center, which came in under budget and on time, as well as significant improvements to our Upper Field. During the Cor Unum capital campaign, Kim also served as a fundraising campaign co-chair. She is currently involved in long term planning as the school reviews campus needs with the recent acquisition of additional adjacent property. Kim joined our community in 2010, when her oldest of three children became a student at O’Dowd. She was named a Board member in 2011 and served as Board Chair from 2013 to 2017. She supported O’Dowd’s first president, Steve Phelps, to accomplish the construction of the Center for Environmental Studies and initial planning studies into the acquisition of the adjacent reservoir property. When Steve unexpectedly passed away, Kim was appointed Interim-President before J. D. Childs took the position of President. She remained with O’Dowd, serving as Chief of Campus Planning and Development. “I believe an effective leader is always a role model for others,” says Kim. “I am both humbled and excited to bring my leadership gifts to O’Dowd as President.” We want to thank the members of the Search Committee that formed to gather additional input from the community and assist in the discernment process. Through this process, we have heard from a wide spectrum of faculty, staff, students, parents and guardians, alumni and Regents. These efforts informed our work in important ways and revealed a great deal about the values and needs of this community. Our gratitude extends to all of the community members who offered their thoughts and insights while engaging our candidates for President. The Search Committee was confident in their recommendation of Kim Walsh to Bishop Barber, S.J. because of the community's thoughtful involvement. We were thrilled that Bishop Barber, S.J. accepted our recommendation and extended this invitation to Kim Walsh. We would not want to end this message without again thanking President J.D. Childs for his outstanding service and dedication. His wisdom, care, humility, experience and foresight have served O’Dowd tremendously well during these challenging times. He has moved the institution forward in extraordinary ways. We know he looks forward to a rewarding home stretch this coming spring and we will have more opportunities to recognize and celebrate his leadership in the months to come. Please join us in congratulating Kim Walsh as our new president-elect. We are thrilled to have her in the lead role of harnessing the incredible energy, passion and dedication of the many individuals who are a part of this amazing community. Many thanks to all of you for your counsel and support and for all of the many ways that you help O’Dowd. Sincerely,
Andrew Currier Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Oakland Search Committee Co-Chair
Father Leo Edgerly Vice President for Catholic Mission Search Committee Co-Chair