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March 13, 2020 3:00p.m. – COVID-19 Update

Dear O’Dowd Community,

As we shared in a communication earlier today that is also on our website, as of Monday, March 16, Bishop O’Dowd High School campus is closed to students and we will begin remote learning. To reiterate this morning’s key information, all school events have been canceled through April 19, including all athletics practices and games, league and non-league, on or off campus, effective today at 3:00pm.

Below is new, important information about Remote Learning and school operations for guidance during this challenging, unprecedented time.

Remote Learning Information Remote Learning begins Monday, March 16. Monday is a Black schedule, with Period 1 starting at 8:30am. Monday and Tuesday will be regular days on a rotating Black and Gold schedule, but allow teachers and students time to adapt and learn together before the first full, regular day of classes Wednesday, March 18. For full details about logistics and expectations, please see the Remote Learning Student Expectations below:

Other Important Information

  1. VERY IMPORTANT: If you or someone in your household tests positive for coronavirus, please notify Principal Smart immediately .

  2. If your child is ill and/or unable to attend their class, they should follow the usual protocol for reporting absence by emailing our attendance office at

  3. Our administrative offices are open with staff working remotely to support our families. The best way to contact individual offices is via email using our school directory.

Key Dates

  1. Friday, March 13 Campus will be closed to students at the end of the school day today. There will be no after-school activities of any kind effective today through April 19.

  2. Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17 Remote Learning Orientation Days (required–all students off campus getting oriented to remote learning with Black and Gold schedule rotation).

  3. Wednesday, March 18 First Day of Full Remote Learning Schedule (Black Schedule)

  4. Wednesday, March 18 – Thursday, April 2 Remote Learning continues.

  5. Friday, April 3 – Sunday, April 19 Spring Break

  6. Monday, April 20 Return to campus. Our current plan is to return classes to campus on this date.

We will be monitoring the situation during Break and share any necessary changes to this plan.


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