Holy Week, the seven days leading up to Easter, are considered the holiest of days in the Catholic Church. Palm Sunday marks a time for deep reflection and prayer as we remember the last days of Christ leading to his Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
As we journey in prayer this Holy Week, our Campus Ministry Team and Fr. Jim share daily reflections to help you prepare for Christ’s resurrection. May we hold steady to God’s promise of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday we celebrate how Jesus came to Jerusalem, greeted by a loving crowd who lay palm leaves on the ground to keep the dust from rising as He traveled the streets. As we journey together through Holy Week, may you see God’s love in all that surrounds you. Pray with us.

Holy Wednesday
During His final week on Earth, Jesus taught in the temple, speaking about the Kingdom of God. Holy Wednesday commemorates the day Judas agreed to hand Jesus over to the high priests for the price of 30 silver pieces. Knowing what lay ahead of him, Jesus continued his ministry. Pray with us.

Holy Thursday
Remembered as the Last Supper, Jesus broke bread with His disciples, asking them to continue His work in remembrance of Him. This meal is the root of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, which we celebrate during Mass. After his final meal with his followers, Jesus retired to the Garden of Gethsemane where he prayed until Judas acted on his betrayal and turned him over to the high priests. Pray with us.

Good Friday
Why is the day Jesus died called Good Friday? For many, it seems that the day that signifies the crucifixion of our Savior is anything but good. However, our faith reminds us that his death led to his resurrection. After Pontius Pilate, a roman judge, washes his hands of Jesus and hands him over to the people, Jesus is tortured on the half-mile walk through Jerusalem to Golgotha, where he is finally crucified on a cross. Pray with us.

Holy Saturday
Today we honor when Jesus’ body was in the tomb, preparing for the Resurrection. Following the Jewish tradition, Jesus’ body was wrapped in garments and placed in a tomb by his close friends and followers before the Sabbath began on Friday evening. Pray with us.

Easter Sunday
He is Risen! On Sunday we remember that three days after his crucifixion, the stone to the tomb was rolled away. Jesus later reveals Himself to His followers, who continue His mission, leading to the creation of Christianity and the Catholic Church. As Catholics, we are Easter People. The promise of Christ’s resurrection gives us comfort in God’s care and the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray with us.