The O’Dowd community gathered on the Quad on May 22 2018 for the End of the Year Mass, celebrated by campus chaplain and religion teacher Fr. Jim Sullivan. Prior to the start of the liturgy, Campus Ministry Team members offered a skit to help set the theme: “Reflect and Appreciate.” During the skit, the team members celebrated and remembered the many things O’Dowd students experienced and accomplished during the 2017-18 school year.
A special blessing was offered for students participating in various service learning programs and projects this summer, as well as those who are taking on leadership roles next year.

Finally, departing faculty member Fritz Blume was recognized and thanked for his 19 years of service to O’Dowd. A history teacher, Blume’s love for the subject was always evident in his dynamic approach to it. He helped his students understand the relevance of history to contemporary issues and concerns, firmly believing that an in-depth understanding of the past can help us chart a responsible path forward.
He participated as an adult leader on numerous Kairos retreats over the years, and is well-known for his role as lead singer of the faculty rock band, Fritz and the Blumers.