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Dragon Talk Explores DACA and Immigration Issues

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The latest Dragon Talk, held in the theater on November 20, was hosted by students from Latinos Unidos. The student moderators of the Dragon Talk explained DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), the eligibility requirements and benefits, as well as the context of the current administration’s efforts to eliminate the program, and invited those in attendance to share their thoughts and experience. Several students attending the talk shared their personal stories about being stopped and questioned solely because of their appearance.

Kameela Hall ’18 said everyone must make a conscious effort to stop labeling each other. “If you walk out of this theater, forget about this talk, and look at someone walking down the street and start labeling them, then this talk didn’t really touch you in the places that it should,” she said. “Honestly we are all here because in some way, shape or form we’re looking to make a difference.”

Some students raised questions about cultural foundations of the United States and challenged students to think about a broader context of the history of immigration, and other students spoke to the importance of action. Students learned that there are several local organizations that assist those facing immigration and citizenship issues, including the Spanish Speaking Citizens Foundation in Oakland and Catholic Charities of the East Bay. Students were also made aware of the efforts that many colleges and universities are taking in supporting all applicants.

Dragon Talks are student-led, faculty and staff-supported conversations that seek to address issues related to the health and wellness of our community. All members of the school community are invited to attend and participate in these talks, which seek to create a safe space for everyone to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Previous Dragon Talks have addressed athletes taking a knee during the national anthem, racism in our school and greater community, the culture of sexual assault and the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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