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2016 Softball team wins NCS Div III Title 2nd Year in a row

BOD 2016 Softball team Div. III defending champions win title for 2nd year in a row. The 8-0 shut out against San Marin High Scool consisted of excellent pitching by senior, Alexis Scalzo, and fantastic hitting and fielding by all the players ending their season with a 22-4 Overall and 11-2 League record.

Congratulations to the players who made the WACC Foothill All-League Softball Teams:

  1. First Team: Alexis Scalzo, Hannah Rosenfeld and Frankie Hammoude

  2. Second Team: Michael Edwards-Gonzales and Nicole Hammoude

  3. Honorable Mention: Allie Curtis and Lizzy Avery

  4. Player of the Year for All League: Frankie Hammoude

We are also proud of our Seniors and Team Captains: Alexis Scalzo, Olivia Olmos, andHaley Ferrufino-Jurs.

Congratulations to the entire Team for all of their accomplishments

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