Many O’Dowd supporters have included us in their wills or with another type of legacy gift. Their foresight helps ensure the future of O’Dowd. Please consider strengthening O’Dowd with a bequest, a life income gift, or some other type of legacy gift (see our full instructions below). We’ll recognize your commitment by inviting you to join our Dragon Legacy Circle, with invitations to special events and recognition in our publications. Anonymity is always an option. If you have included O’Dowd in your estate planning, or are considering it:
O’Dowd’s Tax ID #94-1547088
Legacy Gift Stories
The following O’Dowd supporters have included us in their wills or with another type of legacy gift - making them members of O’Dowd’s Dragon Legacy Circle. Their commitment to O’Dowd has helped to ensure that our students are educated to build a just, joyful and sustainable world, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
9th Grade - Discover and ExploreWhen students enter O’Dowd, our counselors help them adjust to high school, begin goal setting, and become self-advocates. Students also begin the important process of resume building: recording the narrative journey of their experience which they update through all four year at O’Dowd.
10th Grade - Explore and EngageCounselors guide students in a self-reflective process that asks: Who do I want to be? What do I want to explore? To support future planning, students attend our “Getting Ready for College'' and “College Fair” events. In addition, students learn time management and stress reduction strategies, and prepare for the PSAT.
11th Grade - Engage, Research, and PlanAs students enter their junior year, our counselors lead them through still deeper futures planning. Students in this phase start to differentiate themselves, asking: Who AM I? Who do I want to become? Throughout the year, our counselors support students to understand the college admissions process (including financial aid), begin to research colleges of interest, attend “Career Day,” and also engage in other key preparation, including taking the PSAT and creating a comprehensive high school resume.
12th Grade - Plan, Apply, Choose and CelebrateWhen they reach their senior year, students work closely with their counselors to discern which next steps are right for them, which could range from traditional college to alternative pathways, including a gap year. Counselors guide students in their college applications, including advising on essays, financial aid, gathering letters of recommendation, and NCAA registration. In addition, the Counseling Department hosts a series of programs just for seniors, including a series of required College Flex Supports, our Essay Writing Workshop, Senior and Family College Night, and drop-in Flex Supports.
Ways to Give:

Dragon Legacy Circle
Our Dragon Legacy Circle acknowledges supporters who have made a legacy gift commitment to O’Dowd. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and ensure that students are educated to build a just, joyful and sustainable world guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We honor Dragon Legacy Circle members through:
• Acknowledgment in O’Dowd publications (unless you prefer to be anonymous)
• Invitation to special events
THANK YOU to these Dragon Legacy Circle members who are leaving a legacy gift to O’Dowd:
If you have already made your legacy gift or are considering making a legacy gift, please let us know by clicking the button below.
For more information: Rebecca Bischoff / rbischoff@bishopodowd.org