High School Placement Test
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a 2-1/2 hour standardized exam measuring verbal and quantitative skills, reading, mathematics, and language. For the 2025-26 school year, O’Dowd will consider the HSPT standardized test score and all incoming ninth grade applicants are required to take the HSPT when applying to O’Dowd. Transfer students will not take this exam. Please review the information for this year’s HSPT below, as well as the practice test opportunities we offer.
HSPT Testing Information
Applicants applying for 9th grade may take the HSPT at any of the nine Oakland Diocese Catholic secondary schools to which they have applied. If you have not applied to O'Dowd, you may not take the HSPT at O'Dowd.
O’Dowd High School will host the HSPT Entrance Test on January 11, 2025. Arrive 8:00am, testing starts at 8:30am. Pickup at noon, or 1:30pm for extended time.
If you plan to take the HSPT at another preferred location, please indicate that when you complete registration. This will not adversely impact any admissions decision.
Families will be emailed HSPT results.
Extended Time and Learning Differences
Students with EXTENDED time will be given time and a half to complete the HSPT exam.

8th Grade HSPT Prep Workshop
O’Dowd partners with Classroom Matters to offer an HSPT prep course. This workshop offers students an opportunity to learn more about the HSPT, and familiarize themselves with the format and focus of the test.
Saturday, December 14, 2024, 9:00am - 12:30pm.
7th Grade Practice HSPT​
The practice test will be offered on May 3, 2025.
This is a practice test to help your child become familiar with the types of questions and the format of the 8th grade HSPT. The O’Dowd admissions department does not review scores, these scores are solely for personal use. Student scores will be sent directly to you from Scholastic Testing Service after the exam. Please note that we do not provide any LD accommodations for this practice test.
Test date: Saturday, May 3, 2025
Test time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Registration Cost: $65
Student registration cap: 325