Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to Bishop O’Dowd High School! We are excited for you to join the O’Dowd community and eager to help you get acquainted. We encourage you to use the resources on this page to help you with important deadlines and procedures for getting started at O’Dowd.
Questions, contact the main office at 510-577-9100. Our summer hours are Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 2:00pm.
Key Dates
March 15, 2024
Admissions decisions announced. We will send out acceptance letters via email. Sibling families may enroll after 4:00pm on this day.
March 16, 3:00pm
Enrollment. Admissions portal. Enrollment Guide pdf.
April 16, 4:00-5:15pm (5:45pm for extended time)
Math Placement Testing
April 17, 4:00-5:15pm (5:45pm for extended time)
World Language Placement Testing
April 18, 4:00-5:15pm (5:45pm for extended time)
English Placement Testing
April 27, 9:00 - 11:00am
Navigating O'Dowd student and family welcome event. Document here.​
May - June
Athletic participation, please complete the online athletic registration form, by the end of June. Registration becomes available mid-May.
Final transcripts are due by the end of June. Go to the admissions portal to download and complete the Transcript Request Form. Send the form to your child’s current school.
Scheduling for August family counseling appointments will open in early June. Appointments can be scheduled in your admissions portal.
Tuition Reminder: 1st Payment Due in July. The person responsible for tuition payments should have received a welcome email from Blackbaud Tuition Management. If not, please first check your spam folder before emailing Nancy MacKinnon.
July 1
Deadline to upload your student’s California School Immunization Record to the admissions portal.
July 15
O’Dowd Online Bookstore Opens
Summer Counseling Meetings for 9th Graders and Families (look for an email in May to schedule your counseling appointment)
August 6​
Complete Athletic Registration Forms
August 7
9th Grade Orientation part 1
“Welcome to the Family” Coffee & Treats
August 8
9th Grade Orientation, part 2, and Photos; Transfer Orientation
August 9
10-12 Grade, including Transfers, Orientation and Photos
August 12
First Day of School
Fall Sports Begin​
See the online Calendar (and/or emails) for details and general school events going forward.
Use the My O'Dowd/Current Families page going forward, for some of these resources.
Daily Needs
Dress Code, See Student-Family Handbook »
Powerschool »